Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Tossicologia dell'Ambiente e degli Alimenti- CHIMICA ORGANICA I: Antonio RESCIFINA
- Organic Chemistry II: Antonio RESCIFINA
Scientific field: CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
Taught classes: 70 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
Learning Objectives
Organic Chemistry I and II. The course aims: acquisition of a rational understanding of the principles that underpin the chemistry of the carbon derivatives and their reactivity through the examination of the fundamental reaction mechanisms; learning of methods of synthesis, separation, purification and identification of organic substances; the understanding of the role of organic chemistry in biological processes, toxicology and in everyday life.
- Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I and II. The course aims: acquisition of a rational understanding of the principles that underpin the chemistry of the carbon derivatives and their reactivity through the examination of the fundamental reaction mechanisms; learning of methods of synthesis, separation, purification and identification of organic substances; the understanding of the role of organic chemistry in biological processes, toxicology and in everyday life.
Detailed Course Content
Elements of General Chemistry
Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules
Structure and Conformation of Alkanes
The Study of Chemical Reactions
Alkyl halides: Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination
Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes
Reactions of Alkenes
Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfides
The Chemistry of Dienes - Organic Chemistry II
Aromatic Compounds
Reactivity of the Aromatic Compounds
The Chemistry of the Aromatic Heterocycles
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic Acids
Carboxylic Acids Derivatives
Alfa Substitutions and Condensations of Carbonyl Compounds
Carbohydrates and Nucleic Acids
Amino Acids and Peptides
Textbook Information
Fondamenti di Chimica Organica – L. G. Wade, Jr. – Piccin.
Chimica Organica – P. Y. Bruice – 2a Ed. EdiSES (include un kit di modelli molecolari).
Chimica Organica – J. McMurry – 8a Ed. Piccin.
Chimica Organica – a cura di B. Botta, AA. VV. – Edi-Ermes.
Chimica Organica – M. Loudon – EdiSES
Manuale Virtuale di Chimica Organica:
Guida Ragionata allo Svolgimento di Esercizi di Chimica Organica – M. V. D’Auria, O. Taglialatela Scafati, A. Zampella – 3a Ed. Loghìa.
La Chimica Organica Attraverso gli Esercizi – T. W. G. Solomons, C. B. Fryhle, R. G. Johnson – Zanichelli.
Esercizi di chimica organica – S. Cacchi, F. Nicotra – CEA
Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry – A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms – P. H. Scudder – 2nd Ed. Wiley. - Organic Chemistry II
Fondamenti di Chimica Organica – L. G. Wade, Jr. – Piccin.
Chimica Organica – P. Y. Bruice – 2a Ed. EdiSES (include un kit di modelli molecolari).
Chimica Organica – J. McMurry – 8a Ed. Piccin.
Chimica Organica – a cura di B. Botta, AA. VV. – Edi-Ermes.
Chimica Organica – M. Loudon – EdiSES
Manuale Virtuale di Chimica Organica:
Guida Ragionata allo Svolgimento di Esercizi di Chimica Organica – M. V. D’Auria, O. Taglialatela Scafati, A. Zampella – 3a Ed. Loghìa.
La Chimica Organica Attraverso gli Esercizi – T. W. G. Solomons, C. B. Fryhle, R. G. Johnson – Zanichelli.
Esercizi di chimica organica – S. Cacchi, F. Nicotra – CEA
Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry – A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms – P. H. Scudder – 2nd Ed. Wiley.