Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Santa Olga CACCIOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes


The main educational objective of this discipline is to provide the basic knowledge concerning plant diseases caused by biotic and abiotic agents. Specifically, the student will acquire the basic knowledge of diseases of biotic origin with special reference to fungi, oomycetes and bacteria. Diseases reduce the productivity and commercial value of health plants while also causing quality losses.

By the end of the course, students will have acquired diagnostic skills, they will be able to assess the phytosanitary importance of the main disease agents that compromise the yields of health plants and plants of agricultural interest, and will have the basic knowledge to define environmentally sustainable strategies for the containment of infections.

The set educational objectives will be achieved through lectures and laboratory exercises.

In addition, students will acquire the knowledge to conduct literature searches independently and appropriately to achieve the objectives and will be encouraged to prepare and present monograph papers.


Knowledge and understanding abilities.

 Specific knowledge and understanding abilities on the Plant Pathology topics defined above.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.

The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in an operational context by applying the principles learned in lectures and choosing the most appropriate strategies for the study and environmentally sustainable control of health plant pathogens.

Autonomy of judgment.

- Autonomous evaluation of diagnostic methods to be applied for the identification of disease causative agents;

- Selection of interventions to prevent, control, and establish an environmentally sound production system in the field.

Communication skills.

 - Acquisition of language appropriate to the discipline, with particular reference to diseases affecting agricultural crops, especially medicinal plants.

- The student must be able to fully expound on a practical example of the disease studied at the end of the course, using technical language correctly.

Learning abilities.

Ability to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of major health plant diseases and strategies for their control.


Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA

As a guarantee of equal opportunity and in compliance with current laws, interested students may request a personal interview so that any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures can be planned, based on educational objectives and specific needs. You can also contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs) contact teacher of our Department Prof. Santina Chieco.

Course Structure

The final exam consists of 'in-depth study of a monographic topic inherent to the program carried out, chosen in agreement with the teacher, with a Powerpoint presentation to be discussed orally in the exam. The evaluation of the student's preparation, expressed in thirtieths, will be made on the basis of the following criteria: quality and level of in-depth study of the topic covered; property of synthesis and exposition (the technical language property), and the student's ability to reason. During the presentation of the paper, the lecturer will ascertain the knowledge gained during the course with some specific questions. 

Only for students who did not take part in the midterm or who failed it, an individual oral interview will be required in addition to the PowerPoint, which involves verification of the specific knowledge and skills overall acquired. The evaluation expressed in thirtieths will be based on the relevance of the answers given, the quality of the content, the student's ability to connect the different topics and provide concrete examples; in addition, the technical and overall property of expression used will be taken into account.

Required Prerequisites


Plant cell biology: scholastic knowledge of structure and function (useful).  General botany: scholastic knowledge of plant morphology and physiology (useful). Elementary knowledge of systematic botany (useful)

Attendance of Lessons


Attendance is compulsory in accordance with the rules of the Teaching Regulations of the CdS inSFA as listed in the link:; 

Method of ascertaining attendance. Each lecturer establishes a method for ascertaining attendance in the course he/she is in charge of and, at the end of the course, notifies the Student Secretary of the list of students who have not met the attendance requirement.

Detailed Course Content


The teaching will provide basic knowledge regarding biotic and abiotic origin changes in plants of health and agricultural interest. Major disease agents will be characterized according to their morphology, biology, pathogenesis, etiology and epidemiology. Special attention will be given to traditional and molecular-based pathogen diagnosis and eco-friendly defense strategies.

Introduction to Plant Pathology. Definition of disease. Pathogenicity and parasitism. Classification of diseases.

Hints and generalities about viroids, viruses, phytoplasmas, bacteria and fungi: characteristics and symptomatology.

Diagnosis of diseases. Koch's postulates. Main methods of disease diagnosis; conventional and innovative (serological, molecular).

Stages of development of an infectious disease: inoculation, penetration, infection, colonization, dissemination. Ontogenetic cycle of pathogens and disease cycle. Specialization of pathogens: formae speciales, races and pathovars.

Mechanisms of attack of pathogens: toxins, proteins and enzymes, growth regulatory substances. Classification of diseases according to mechanisms of pathogenesis.

Mechanisms of resistance: pre-existing structural and biochemical defenses (waxes and cuticle, cell wall, fungitoxic exudates, phenols, tannins, hydrolytic enzymes) and induced(histological, cellular, hypersensitivity reaction, phytoalexins, oxidative enzymes, induced resistance). Genetics of plant diseases: mechanisms of pathogen variability, immunity, tolerance, escape and true resistance: horizontal or polygenic and vertical or monogenic.

Epidemiology of diseases. Influence of environmental factors on the development of epidemics. 

Principles of disease control (general aspects and definitions): prevention (exclusion, eradication), protection and genetic resistance. Biological and integrated pest control. Undesirable effects of pesticide use.

Powdery mildew, downy mildew and gray mold. Main diseases of medicinal plants. Main diseases of citrus fruit: maldeworm, Triscence (CTV) and Phytophthora. Bacterial blight of fruit trees.


Laboratory Exercises (2CFU): symptomatological diagnosis of phytopathological specimens; stereomicroscope observation of phytopathological specimens; setup and observation of preparations under light microscopy; isolation and culture rearing of fungi. Surveys of disease stages on phytopathological specimens, incidence and intensity of damage caused by different pathogens. Seminars related to program topics given by experts in the field.




Textbook Information

1)) Belli G. -.2012. Elementi di Patologia Vegetale - 2°edizione - Editore Piccin, Padova

2) G.L. Schumann. e D'Arcy C.J. -2013. Essential Plant Pathology - 2° Edition – APS Press.

3) Teaching materials provided by the lecturer.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11 Introduction to Plant Pathology. Definition of disease. Pathogenicity and parasitism. Classification of diseases. Hints and generalities about viroids, viruses, phytoplasmas, bacteria and fungi: characteristics and symptomatology. Diagnosis of diseases.1,2,3
2Koch's postulates. Main methods of disease diagnosis; conventionaland innovative (serological, molecular).1,2,3
3Stages of development of an infectious disease: inoculation, penetration, infection, colonization, dissemination. Ontogenetic cycle of pathogens and disease cycle. Specialization of pathogens: formae speciales, races and pathovars.
4Mechanisms of pathogen attack: toxins, proteins and enzymes, growth regulatory substances. Classification of diseases according to mechanisms of pathogenesis.
5Mechanisms of resistance: pre-existing (ecuticular waxes, cell wall, fungitoxic exudates, phenols, tannins, hydrolytic enzymes)and induced (histological, cellular, hypersensitivity reaction, phytoalexins) structural and biochemical defenses
6Genetics of plant diseases: mechanisms of pathogen variability, immunity, tolerance, escape and true resistance: horizontal or polygenic and vertical or monogenic.
7Plant diseases epidemiology
8Principles of disease control (general aspects and definitions)
9Powdery mildew, downy mildew and Botrytis
10Major diseases of plants of herbal interest
11Major diseases of citrus: mal secco of lemon, Tristeza (CTV) and Phytophthora; Crown Gall
12Toxigenic fungi of plant products. Importance and classification of mycotoxins.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Verification of learning will be through a written midterm test consisting of multiple-choice and open-ended questions lasting 2 hours. The outcome of the test, graded in thirtieths, will be averaged with the outcome of the monographic paper discussed in the oral examination to reach the final grade. 

The final exam consists of 'an in-depth study of a monographic topic inherent to the program carried out, chosen in agreement with the teacher, with a Powerpoint presentation to be discussed orally in the exam. The evaluation of the student's preparation, expressed in thirtieths, will be made on the basis of the following criteria: quality and level of in-depth study of the topic covered; property of synthesis and exposition (the technical language property), and the student's ability to reason. During the presentation of the paper, the lecturer will ascertain the knowledge gained during the course with some specific questions. 

Only for students who did not take part in the midterm or who failed it, an individual oral interview will be required in addition to the PowerPoint, which involves verification of the specific knowledge and skills overall acquired. The evaluation expressed in thirtieths will be based on the relevance of the answers given, the quality of the content, the student's ability to connect the different topics and provide concrete examples; in addition, the technical and overall property of expression used will be taken into account.

The final grade will follow the following pattern:


Subject knowledge and understanding: has limited and fragmentary knowledge of the fundamental topics;

Analysis and synthesis skills: performs analysis in a superficial and largely incomplete manner

Language and expressive skills: makes use of inadequate terminology and uncertain and confusing language


Subject knowledge and understanding: superficial and partial

Analysis and synthesis skills: makes incomplete and inadequate analysis and synthesis.

Language and expressive skills: uses specific language not always correctly


Subject knowledge and understanding: knows with sufficient accuracy the fundamental elements of the topics covered

Analysis and synthesis skills: performs almost complete, but not in-depth analysis and synthesis

Language and expressive skills: uses specific language in a simple but appropriate way


Subject knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are consistently expressed. Language and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently and correctly.


Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, thorough ecoordinate knowledge of the topics covered

Analysis and synthesis skills: performs complete and thorough analysis and synthesis

Language and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently


Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, thorough broad and individualized knowledge of the topics covered

Ability to analyze and synthesize: knows how to organize independently and completely the knowledge acquired, and is capable of autonomous evaluations and connections

Language and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently 

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

For the dates of the final test, log on to the Department of Drug and Health Sciences (DSFS) link :


Definition of disease in Plant Pathology. Definition of symptom and sign. Describe one of your choice and associate it with a disease. Definition of biotroph and necrotroph. Examples of one and the other. What are appressorium and austorium used for? List the developmental stages of a disease and describe the penetration stage. Why is it important to test Koch's postulates to diagnose a disease? Definition of incubation period and latency period of a disease. Definitions of monocyclic, polycyclic and polycytic disease; give examples for each type of disease. Describe the difference between soft rot and dry rot.

In addition, multiple choice questions will be given.