Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year - Curriculum Tossicologia dell'Ambiente e degli AlimentiCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: CHIM/12 - Chemistry for the environment and for cultural heritage
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Environmental Protection Technologies are of increasing importance and play a key role. During the course will be treated various types of Environmental Protection Technologies and choosing the least polluting ones to protect the environment, for example: the elimination of agropharmaceuticals and pesticides in agriculture using organic agriculture biofuels and alternative fuels, such as reducing vehicle emissions with less polluting catalysts, filters, additives and fuels, how to cut down particulate matter and gaseous components, such as using renewable energy, how to control indoor and outdoor pollution, how to compost waste.
Students who conclude the Chemistry of the Environment will be able to:
1. Understand key environmental issues and their solution using appropriate environmental protection technologies.
2. Know about anthropogenic pollution and the awareness of preventing it.
3. to recognise the main environmental challenges arising from anthropogenic activities in agriculture, industry, waste management, vehicle emission, renewable energy production, etc. alternative technology.
Course Structure
Frontal lessons with the help of slides. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
Introduction to the course: the main environmental issues and the use of appropriate technologies for their solution.
The ecological footprint: sustainable development, the elimination of the use of agropharmaceuticals and pesticides in agriculture using organic farming, biodynamics.
Green chemistry: renewable and non-renewable resources. The principles and objectives of the Green Chemistry. Capture and storage of CO2 produced.
Biofuels and alternative fuels: Biomass, Ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen.
Fine particulate matter: the characteristics, chemical composition. The health effects. The nano powders.
Vehicle emissions: legislation, issued pollutants, catalysts, filters, additives.
Effects of Schuman waves in the environment.
Combustion engines: gasoline, diesel, electric, hybrid, GPL and methane.
Emissions into the environment by human activities, environmental monitoring: particulate abatement, removal of gaseous components.
Renewable energy: hydroelectric, wind, sea waves, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic, biomass.
Niscemi Mous.
Nuclear energy: the risks and potential. Accidents in power plants.
environmental indoor and outdoor air pollution: health risks. Risk reduction. Radon.
Wastewater treatment: constructed wetlands.
Wastewater treatment: incineration technologies. Emissions and environmental effects. Gasifiers and pirolizzatori.
Solid waste: definitions of waste. Industrial waste. Management, exploitation and disposal. Composting, domestic production of compost. Energy production.
Textbook Information
Chimica Ambientale - Colin Baiard - Michael Cann - Terza Edizione Italiana - Zanichelli EDitore.