Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Maria Nunziata MODICAExpected Learning Outcomes
The course has the goal of giving the main information about biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites in vegetable species together with their classification, their role in plants, and their use ad chemotaxonomic markers.
Particular attention will be given to the main extraction techniques to be applied in the treatment of vegetable matrices; a series of case studies and practical examples will be given during the class section. Hints on analytical techniques normally used in the determination of secondary metabolites in vegetable species will be also given.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
During the course the student will partecipate on lessons in which the basic principles of secondary metabolic cycles and their main products will be explained; the second part of the course will focus on the extraction/analysis techniques currently used on plant matrics. There will be exercises in classroom on the recognition of natural molecules (secondary metabolites) treated during the course
§ SECONDARY METABOLISM – INTRODUCTION primary and secondary metablites; role of secondary metabolites in vegetable species; factors influencing the content of secondary metabolites in plants
§ THE THREEE SECONDARY METABOLIC CYCLES: acetate, mevalonate, shikimate pathway; building blocks and products of plant secondary metabolism
§ SPECIAL FOCUS ON PLANT SECONDARY METABOLISM: carotenes, carotenoids, apocarotenoids: the metabolic pool of saffron; phenols and polyphenols: the different subclasses, from phenylpropanoids to anthocyanins; terpenes and terpenoids; essential oils, alkaloids
§ HOW TODEAL WITH A VEGETABLE MATRIX extraction techniques for volatile and non volatile secondary metabolites; cascade extraction, hydrodistillation, non conventional extraction techniques
§ ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES normally used for the determination of volatiles and non volatiles in complex vegetable matrices; chemotaxonomy
Textbook Information
1. Alessandro Bruni, Biologia Farmaceutica, Edizioni Pearson.
2. Marco D’ischia, La Chimica organica in laboratorio, Casa Editrice Piccin:
3. Paul M. Dewick, Chimica biosintesi e bioattività delle sostanze naturali, Casa Editrice Piccin
To learn more: Notes
taken during class and teaching
material available on Studium unict.
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Oral examination on the main topics treated during the classes; questions on secondary metabolism, extraction techniques and analytical techniques are very likely to occur.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
The oral test will focus on topics proposed on frontal lessons; more specifically:
- At least one question on the
metabolic cycles leading to the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites: key
metabolites of the acetate, shikimate, mevalonate cycle; distinction between
simple phenols and polyphenols; which cycle gives rise to the biosynthesis and
accumulation of prostaglandins; which
cycle gives rise to the storage biosynthesis of anthocyanins.
At least one question on the
techniques of tratment, extraction and analysis of complex vegetable matrces:
How to treat a matrix from which you want extract the essential oil; with which instrumentation a pigmented juice is analyzed.