Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Marta Anna Szychlinska
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: BIO/16 - Human anatomy
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: BIO/16 - Human anatomy
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The student must be able to demonstrate the knowledge about the structural organization of the human body, from the macroscopic to the microscopic level, and the topographical relationships between the organs, correlating them with their histological structure and their function.
Course Structure
Classroom lessons based on illustrative slides and theoretical explanation.
Detailed Course Content
Consult the educational program below.
Textbook Information
Martini, Timmons, Tallitsch – Anatomia Umana – Quinta edizione EdiSES.
G. Ambrosi et al. - ANATOMIA DELL' UOMO - Edi-Ermes
Digital Apps: Human Atlas, Visible Body
PowerPoint presentations