Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Rosaria Grasso
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: FIS/07 - Applied physics
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

There will be lectures and application examples on specific topics.The wealth of knowledge provided to the student puts her/him in a position to deal with more specific courses of the curriculum; particular importance is given to the physical contribution in applications in the biomedical field presented in the program. After completing the course, the student will have learned the basics of the experimental method, the basic physical laws and will have got to know different applications of the same in fields related to the course of study.The formal correctness of the topics covered in the exposition is taken into particular consideration, in the context of mathematical knowledge acquired by students in previous courses. We pursue the following objectives: - knowledge and understanding about the foundations of physics - application knowledge about methodological and instrumental procedures also useful for biological research

Detailed Course Content


INTRODUCTION: Physical quantities, units, significant digits, measurement error, scalar and vector quantities, operations with vectors, components of a vector and unit vectors.

DESCRIPTION OF THE MOTION: Vector displacement, velocity and acceleration, motion with constant velocity, motion under constant acceleration, motion in two dimensions.

STRENGTH AND MOTION: I, II and III of Newton's law, gravitational force, motion of a projectile, frictional forces, dynamics of circular motion; motion of a sphere in a liquid.

ENERGY AND WORK: Work done by a variable force, kinetic energy and kinetic energy theorem, conservative forces, potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy.

MECHANICAL WAVES AND SOUND: harmonic motion, pulse propagation and wave, acoustic and sound waves, decibels.

FLUIDS: The pressure in fluids, the law of Stevin, Archimedes 'principle, Bernoulli's theorem, a laminar flow of a viscous fluid: Stokes' law, the law of Poiseuille, surface phenomena: Laplace law, surface tension and phenomena capillarity.

TEMPERATURE, HEAT AND PRINCIPLES OF THERMODYNAMICS: thermometers and temperature scales, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, the ideal gas law, kinetic theory of gases, specific heat, latent heat and phase changes, heat conduction, thermodynamic processes, work in thermodynamic processes, internal energy, the first law of thermodynamics.

ELECTRIC CHARGE, ELECTROSTATIC FIELD AND ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL: The electric charge, conductors and insulators, the Coulomb's law, electrostatic field lines of force, the potential and the electrostatic potential energy, the electrostatic capacity.

ELECTRIC CURRENT: The electric current, resistance and Ohm's law, a model for the electrical conduction, energy and electric power.

MAGNETIC FIELDS: Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field, magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor, the magnetic field produced by a current, Biot-Savart's law, Faraday induction's law, the energy density in a magnetic field.

ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: Electromagnetic waves, the energy carried by the electromagnetic waves, the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

GEOMETRICAL OPTICS: reflection, refraction and dispersion of light, total reflection, fiber optics, lenses and formations image



WAVES ELASTIC: Application of ultrasound

FLUID MECHANICS: hydrodynamic circuit of the blood, work and cardiac output. Aneurysm and stenosis, air embolism. erythrocyte sedimentation rate, centrifugation.

ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA: The propagation of nerve impulses in myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.

ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND RADIATION: Optics of vision. magnifying glass and the light microscope, electromagnetic fields and effects on human health,

Textbook Information

  1. Jewett&Serway: Principi di Fisica, Vol I, V edizione, EdiSES, 2015 Napoli
  2. E. Ragozzino: Principi di Fisica, EdiSES, 2006 Napoli
  3. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker: Fondamenti di Fisica – vol. 1, VI ed., CEA, Milano
  4. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker: Fondamenti di Fisica – vol. 2, VI ed., CEA, Milano