Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° YearCredit Value: 10
Scientific field: BIO/15 - Pharmaceutical biology
Taught classes: 70 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Detailed Course Content
The organs of vascular land plants
Morphology, function, and their amendments, anatomy histology, pharmaceutical-economic importance.
Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Flower, fruit and seed of the Angiosperm.
Elements of Systematic Botany
Origin of Systematic and evolution of taxonomic systems. The taxa and nomenclature.
General information on medicinal plants. Major taxa of medicinal plants
Definition, aims and history of pharmacognosy. Natural substances today. Traditional medicines. Drugs in toto and principles purified.
Crude plant drugs.
Classification. Variability in the activity of a drug: natural factors (endogenous and exogenous) and artificial that lead to changes in the content and quality of active components. Techniques for the production "in vitro" of active ingredients. Vegetable principles as a starting material for hemi-synthesis and molecular models of new drugs. Preparation of herbal drugs (collection time, husking, drying, stabilization, sterilization). Conservation of plant drugs (drying, freezing, freeze-drying). Pulverization of drugs. Preparations with herbal drugs (infusions, decoctions, tisane, extracts, tinctures, syrups, juices, macerated, hydrolates, alcoholates, alcolaturi, essences. Standardization of extracts). Quality control of herbal drugs (Examination of morphological and organoleptic, chemical, physical, biological assays, toxicology). Efficacy and safety of use of preparations of medicinal plants. Chemical classification and biogenesis of active ingredients.
Recognition, preparation, biological activity and uses of major crude plant drugs of therapeutic drug-technical and cosmetic interest.
Carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing drugs
-Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose, sorbitol.
-Oligosaccharides: saccharose.
-Polysaccharides: starch, cellulose, dextrans, inulin, pectins, gums, mucilage, carrageenans, alginates.
Main-crude drugs: manna, marshmallow, mallow, psyllium, aloe, echinacea.
Lipids and lipid-containing drugs
-Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, glycerides, waxes.
Main-crude drugs: olive oil, almond oil, peanut oil, seed oil, soybean oil, linseed oil, corn oil, evening primrose oil, castor oil.
Drugs containing proteolytic enzymes
- Pineapple
- Papaya.
Drugs containing terpenes
Monoterpenes: mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon balm.
-Diterpenes: ginkgo, rate.
-Sesquiterpenes: chamomile, valerian, wormwood, tansy.
Essences, resins and balsams
Chemical composition and biological effects.
Drugs containing glycosides
-Anthraquinone: aloe, cascara, buckthorn, rhubarb, senna.
-Sulfur: garlic
-Saponinic: licorice, ginseng, horse chestnut.
-Alcohol: willow.
-Aldehyde: vanilla.
-Phenolic: bearberry
Drugs containing phenylpropanoids
-Flavonoids: milk thistle, passion flower, blueberry, artichoke, soy, St. John's wort, propolis.
-Lignans: podofillo.
-Tannins: witch hazel, ratana, gall, green tea.
Drugs containing steroids
-Cardiac glycosides: digital, strophanthus, scilla.
Drugs containing alkaloids
-Amine: capsaicin, ephedra, amanita, peyote, khat.
-Isochinolinic: goldenseal, boldo, colchicum, curare, ipecac, opium.
-Indole: Rauwolfia, yohimbe, the Calabar bean, ergot, wins.
-Quinoline: china.
-Imidazole: jaborandi.
-Pyridine: tobacco.
-Tropane: belladonna, henbane, jimson weed, coke.
-Purine: caffeic crude drugs.
General principles
Textbook Information
Testi consigliati
1. Manuale di Botanica Farmaceutica Maugini E., Malesi Bini L., Mariotti Lippi M. Ed.Piccin.
2. Farmacognosia. F. Capasso. Ed. Springer.
3. Farmacognosia applicata. R. Capasso, F. Borrelli, R. Longo, F. Capasso Ed. Springer.
4. Farmacognosia: Farmaci di origine naturale. Samuelsson Gunnar. Ed. EMSI.
Testi di consultazione
Fitoterapia. Impiego razionale delle droghe vegetali. F. Capasso, G. Grandolini A. Izzo Ed. Springer.
Fitoterapia. Guida all’uso clinico delle piante medicinali. F. Firenzuoli. Ed. Elsevier.
Fitofarmacovigilanza. F. Capasso, F. Borrelli, S. Castaldo, G. Grandolini. Ed. Springer
Chimica, Biosintesi e Bioattività delle sostanze naturali. P.M. Dewick. Ed. Piccin.
Dizionario Ragionato di Erboristeria e Fitoterapia. A. Bruni, M. Nicoletti. Ed. Piccin.
HPTLC Cromatografia su strato sottile ad alta prestazione per l’analisi delle piante medicinali. E. Reich, A. Schibli. Ed. Cic Edizioni Internazionali.