Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° YearCredit Value: 10
Taught classes: 70 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
- Identify the different types of relationship that micro-organisms and human parasites determine with the host, differentiating the phenomenon "infection" from the "disease".
- Analyze critical factors that determine the "contagion" and the spread of microorganisms and parasites correlating them with their unique biological characteristics.
- Classify the micro-organisms and parasites in the various stages of aggregation of living matter (metazoans, prokaryotes, fungi, viruses), correlating the degree of organization with the pathogenic action.
- According to the structural organization of micro-organisms and parasites, identify the necessary facilities / functions to perform the metabolic processes and replication and to determine the infection / disease in the host.
- Correlate the phenomenon of variation and mutation of microorganisms and parasites with the pathogenic action and resistance to antimicrobial substances.
- Assess the degree of resistance (survival) in the environment of microorganisms and parasites as a critical factor for the host infection.
- Knowing the levels of prevention and protection of the production of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.
- Know the basic principles of self-testing: Sterility, Disinfection, HACCP etc.
Course Structure
Traditional lessons (unless otherwise specified due to the Covid emergency)
Detailed Course Content
The prokaryotic cell
- The organization of the bacterial cell
- The capsule
- The outer membrane and peptidoglycan
- The cytoplasmic membrane
- The pili
- Flagella and bacterial movement
- The cytoplasmic organelles
- The membrane transport and secretion systems
- Bacterial nucleoid
The bacterial genetics and cell growth
- The notion of genetic information transfer in prokaryotes
- Recombination from eukaryotes to prokaryotes
- Plasmids
- Conjugation
- Transformation
- Transduction
- Mutations
Bacterial metabolism
- Bacterial nutrition and nutritional classification of bacteria
- The glycolytic pathways
- Bacterial respiration
- The fermentative pathways
- Features of autotrophic metabolism
- Culture media and their classification
- Peptidoglycan synthesis
- Protein synthesis
- DNA synthesis
Cell growth and differentiation
- The cell cycle
- The bacterial division
- Vital not cultivable status
- The microbial biofilms
- The spore and spore-forming bacteria
Host-parasite relationships
- Biological associations
- Human microbiota
- Infection sources
- Diseases contagion
- The host response to infection
- Vaccines
Principles of microbiological diagnostic and susceptibility testing
- The epidemiology of infectious diseases: general concepts
- Recognition of an infectious disease within a population
- Clinical and diagnostic methods
- Identification of pathogens
- Susceptibility to antibiotics (susceptibility testing)
Special Bacteriology
Taxonomic classification, main characteristics, pathogenicity, infectious diseases, prevention opportunities, diagnostics and chemotherapy of: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Neisseria, Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae, Haemophilus, Vibrio, Legionella, Brucella, Bordetella, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Helicobacter, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Chlamydiaceae, Rickettsiales, Spirochetales.
The principles of antimicrobial chemotherapy
The main antibiotics: mechanism of action and resistance
Fungi, Protozoa and Helminths
- Characteristics of fungi and their metabolism
- The role of fungi in the environment and industry
- Important fungi from the health point of view
- The main antifungal
- Characteristics of Protozoa
- The important protozoa from the health point of view
- The main anti-protozoal drugs
- Characteristics of Helminths
- Flatworms: Flukes and Tapeworms
- Nematodes
- The main anti-helmintic drug
Viruses and sub- viral structures
- The organization of the viral particle
- Viral symmetry
- Replicative classes
- Prions
- The bacteriophages
- The antiviral chemotherapy: major agents
Special virology
Taxonomic classification, main characteristics, pathogenicity, infectious diseases, prevention opportunities, diagnostics and chemotherapy of: Poxviridae, Herpesviridae, Adenoviridae, Papillomavirus e Polyomavirus umani, Parvoviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Picornaviridae, Arenaviridae,Coronaviridae, Filoviridae, Flaviridae, human retrovirus, Togaviridae, Rhabdoviridae, e Rubivirus, hepatitis (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV,HEV, HGV)
Infection control: sterilization and disinfection
- Sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis
- Physical sterilization methods (heat, radiations, filtration)
- Chemical sterilization methods (alkylating agents, oxidizing agents)
- Sterility controls (physical indicators, chemical indicators, biological indicators)
- Sterilization applications in the pharmaceutical field and its limits
- Parenteral products
- Products non-parenteral
- Objectives and implementation of the disinfection methods
- Targets and mechanisms of action of disinfectants (phenol derivatives, biguanide, surfactant compounds, aldehydes, halogens, alcohols, oxidizing agents)
- Methods for assessing the efficacy of disinfectants
Pharmaceutical production and pharmacopeia
- Assessment of pharmaceuticals contamination
- Essay of sterility
- Evaluation of microbial contamination of non-sterile products
Pyrogens and bacterial endotoxins:
- Assay for pyrogens
- Assays for bacterial endotoxins (LAL test)
Microbiological assay:
- Biological assay of antibiotics
- Interferon dosing
- Control the activity of disinfectants
Microbiological characteristics of pharmaceutical products:
- Obligatorily sterile pharmaceutical preparations
- Pharmaceutical preparation does not necessarily sterile
Sterilization of pharmaceutical products:
- Sterilization methods applicable to pharmaceutical products
- Biological sterilization indicators
- Use of antimicrobial preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations
Good manufacturing practice for preparation of medicines:
- Characteristics of the environment
- Staff
- Raw material
- Preparation of medicines in Pharmacy
Food microbiology
- Meaning of microorganisms in food
- Unfermented foods (meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, vegetables and fruit)
- Fermented foods (fermented vegetables, bread, cheese, fermented milk, fermented meat products)
HACCP system:
- Description of the HACCP system: preliminary phases of the application system
- Main features of HACCP system: principles 1 to 7
Textbook Information
Microbiologia Farmaceutica II ed, Edises
Principi di Microbiologia Medica III ed, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
The student is free to choose another textbook.