Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: CARMELO PUGLIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

transfer of advanced knowledge on the design of a pharmaceutical form and on industrial methods relating to the preparation of medicines.

Required Prerequisites

the student must have passed the exam for the Technology 1 course

Detailed Course Content

Chemical-physical properties of powders: General information. Density; Porosity; Adsorption phenomena. Drying techniques. Pellets: mechanism of pellet formation and growth; Pelletizing techniques and properties. Solutions and their properties: the physical basis of the dissolution process; factors affecting the solubility of solids in water; pH and isotonia; solution speed; colligative properties of solutions. Water as a solvent: preparation of deionized and distilled water. Water in the Official Pharmacopoeia. Drying of solutions and suspensions: spray drying; freeze-drying. Elements of rheology: General information; viscosity and Newtonian fluids; non-Newtonian fluids; determination of viscosity The colloidal state - Colloids. Electrical properties of interfaces; solubilization; stability of colloids; Colloidal systems of pharmaceutical interest. Suspensions. Wettability and particle coarsening; Flocculation and Deflocculation; Suspension formulation; bioavailability of drugs in suspension; suspension checks; stability. Sterilization- Various types of microorganisms; resistance characteristics. Thermal and non-thermal physical methods. Chemical methods. Parenteral preparations - Chemical, chemical-physical and biological requirements of injectable preparations. Perfusion fluids. Powders for injections. Notes on industrial production: premises, equipment. Ear preparations: notes on ear anatomy; auricular pharmaceutical forms: liquid, semi-solid and solid preparations. Nasal preparations: nasal administration of drugs; nasal aerosol; absorption of drugs through the nasal mucosa; devices for the administration of nasal preparations; Classification of nasal preparations. Inhalation preparations: notes on the anatomy of the lungs and airways; deposition of the drug in the airways; liquid nebulization preparations: nebulizers and liquid nebulization preparations; pressurized inhalation preparations: pressurized inhalers and pressurized inhalation preparations; powders for inhalation Pressurized pharmaceutical preparations: General information; the propellants and formulation; pressurized containers. Controlled release pharmaceutical forms and therapeutic systems - Drug targeting. Medicine packaging - materials and types

Textbook Information

1. Colombo P. et al. Principi di Tecnologia Farmaceutica (seconda edizione) - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

2. Amorosa M. Principi di Tecnica Farmaceutica (sesta edizione) - Piccin

3. Aulton M. et al. Tecnologie Farmaceutiche - Progettazione e allestimento dei medicinali - Edra

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

knowledge will be assessed through an oral interview which will cover the topics reported in the program.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

definition of a colloid. 

the requirements of injectable preparations. 

lyophilization and drying techniques of a suspension. 

Examples of modified release pharmaceutical forms