Educational Aims
The degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology has as its objective the formation of graduates able to conduct a professional activity in the field of Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy. Graduates possess in-depth knowledges of organic chemistry, synthetic methodologies and extraction of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). They possess state-of-art expertise in molecular modelling, in pharmacological experimental techniques along with practical knowledge of the most recent techniques of instrumental drug analysis. Graduates have also knowledges needed to correlate the structure of a drug to its pharmacological action and to design new active pharmaceutical compounds on the basis of the structural features of the biological target.
Graduates have competence and understanding skills useful for occupational integration both in the pharmaceutical industry and in the territorial arena of pharmaceutics. The approach to reach these goals consists in the administration of theoretical and practical courses, provided for individuals or groups, supported by a highly qualified tutoring activity.
The achievement of results is verified during laboratory training and by the administration of written and oral exams. Also, a specific form of assessment to verify the level of knowledge reached by the student consists in testing his/her ability to develop a mandatory experimental thesis work, needed for the final examination, carried out in universities or in different public and private research centers. The training activity stimulates graduates to make independent critical judgements and to develop decisions-making skills. This is achieved by the mutual interaction among teachers, students, and tutors.
The degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology allow graduates to develop the ability to work independently in the academic field of research, in the pharmaceutical industry and in the health-care arena.