Possibilità dottorato di ricerca con borsa in Francia

Il Prof Jaffrès dell' Università di Brest in Francia cerca un candidato per una richiesta di borsa di dottorato. La tematica è la sintesi di composti anfifilici per applicazioni biomedicali.

Laboratory : CEMCA - UMR CNRS 6521 – University of Brest- France 

Web: http://www.univ-brest.fr/cosm 

Contact: Prof. P.A. Jaffrès : pjaffres@univ-brest.fr ; (00 33) 2 98 01 61 53

Context In the COSM research group, that belongs to the CEMCA laboratory (UMR CNRS 6521 – University of Brest), we conceived and synthesize amphiphilic compounds that possess an adapted molecular structure for specific applications in biology or medical sciences. Accordingly, we developed cationic amphiphiles that are specially designed as carrier for nucleic acids (pDNA, SiRNA…) and applied for both in vitroand in vivostudies including tendon healing,anti-tumoral vaccination, or as new bactericidal agents.Others type of amphiphilic compounds (glyco-glycero etherlipids) are designed to modulate the activity of ion channels (SK3) that are involved in the migration of cancerous cells.We found that some of these amphiphilic compounds abolished the occurrence of bone metastasis in a metastatic breast cancer (murine model).Our goal is to use click reactions to conceive new amphiphilic compounds that will be tested for different types of application.Il Prof Jaffrès dell' Università di Brest in Francia cerca un candidato per una richiesta di borsa di dottorato. La tematica è la sintesi di composti anfifilici per applicazioni biomedicali.

Projet The goal of this thesis will be to develop new type of click reactions based the phosphorus chemistry in order to connect hydrophobic building blocks to hydrophilic moieties in order to produce amphiphilic compounds. This work will include, on the basis of preliminary results, a methodological approach. The scope of these click reactions and also the possibility to use them for the functionalization of liposomes in water will be studied. Most of the work will be organic chemistry (synthesis, purification, characterization by NMR, mass spectrometry…) and the preparation and characterization (DLS, zeta potential) of liposomal solutions. Our University is well equipped in analytical devices (NMR, masse…). The applications of these new amphiphilic compounds will be achieved with our collaborators.

Funding To get funding for a PhD thesis in France (Funding for 3 years corresponding to the duration of a PhD thesis in France) the candidate has to defend a project, prepared jointly with the promotor, in front of jury. 

Application The candidate must be deeply interested in organic chemistry, must be interested by the interface with biology and medical sciences, and must have gained good results in chemistry during his/her bachelor and master degree. The candidates must send by e-mail a CV, a letter of motivation, and his/her marks during bachelor and master degree to Prof. P.A Jaffrès before April 16th 2018.

Data di pubblicazione: 04/04/2018