Person in charge: Luca VANELLAResearch themes and Projects
- Study of oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro in different physiopathological conditions (Sorrenti V., Vanella L., Di Giacomo C., Acquaviva R., Tomasello B., Barbagallo I., Campisi A., Raciti G.)
- Natural compounds and their chemopreventive and antioxidant effects in vivo and in vitro (Sorrenti V., Vanella L., Di Giacomo C., Acquaviva R., Tomasello B., Barbagallo I. Campisi A., Raciti G.)
- Role of heme oxygenase in the metabolic syndrome and cancer (Sorrenti V., Vanella L, Barbagallo I.)
- Vascular homeostasis and DDAH / NOS pathway (Sorrenti V.)
- Evaluation of the biological activity of natural molecules and of new synthetic compounds able to modulate the activity of different enzymes (eg: Heme oxygenase-1, Eme oxygenase-2, nNOS, iNOS, eNOS, TG2) (Sorrenti V., Vanella L., Di Giacomo C., Acquaviva R., Barbagallo I., Campisi A., Raciti G.)
- Effects of haevy metals (in particular Hg) in human astrocytoma cell lines (Tomasello B.)
- Epigenetic analysis (global methylome and sirtuins activities/expression) and inflammatory biomarkers in cancer and/or normal cell lines (Tomasello B.)
- Biomolecular approaches in Autism and neurodegenerative diseases: vit.D and its metabolome, polymorphisms of one carbon cycle, Gut microbioma analysis and biomarkers of gut permeability; Exome test and metabolomic analysis related to selected pathways (Tomasello B.)
- Analysis of DNA fragmentation and methylation on tumor cells and on spermatozoa (Tomasello B.)
- Hadron therapy in breast cancer on mice (Acquaviva R., Di Giacomo C., Tomasello B.)
- Analysis of the hormone stress response in charged particles radiation therapy (Acquaviva R., Di Giacomo C., Tomasello B.)
- Role of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) on excitotoxicity induced by glutamate in astrocytes and neural stem cells in primary culture (Campisi A., Raciti G.)
- Effect of neuronutraceutics and newly synthesized molecules on the expression levels of tissue transglutaminase in olfactory ensheathing cells stem cell cultures exposed to amyloid beta (Campisi A., Raciti G.)
- Evaluation of molecular mechanisms of new malaria vaccine candidates in preclinical models (Campisi A.).
Surname and name | Position | |
ACQUAVIVA Rosaria | Full Professor | |
CAMPISI Agatina | Associate Professor | |
DI GIACOMO Claudia | Associate Professor | |
MALFA Giuseppe Antonio | Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDB) | |
RACITI Giuseppina | Ricercatrice | |
SORRENTI Valeria | Full Professor | |
TOMASELLO Barbara Maria Rita | Ricercatrice | |
VANELLA Luca | Full Professor | |