Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Santo MOTTA
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: MAT/07 - Mathematical physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Provide the knowledge of basic of logic and mathematical tools through which they can build "models" for the resolution of problems in the life sciences, chemical and pharmacological.

Detailed Course Content

Module 1.

Logic and Set Theory. Definition of sets; membership; cardinality. Logic: propositions, predicates and operators. Operations between sets (Identity Boolean; Read De Morgan);

Set theory; Definitions. Membership; Cardinality; Basic Sets Operations; Boolean identities; De Morgan laws.

Set of Numbers. Natural numbers; Rational numbers. Real numbers, Intervals, upper and lower bounds; maximum and minimum; Cartesian products and their representation in R^2 and R^3.

Module 2.

Functions: definition; domain, codomain, image and graph; Injective, Surjective and bijective functions; Function composition; Inverse function; Monotonic functions; Absolute Maximum and minimum of a function; Numerical sequences.

Module 3.

Limits of numerical sequences and functions: limit point of a set. Limits of numerical sequences and related theorems.

Limits of functions : definitions and related theorems.

Continuous functions and related theorems; Discontinuous functions;

Derivatives of a function and related theorems (Lagrange, Rolle, Cauchy and De Hopital theorems); Graph of a function.

Module 4.

Textbook Information

Metodi e Modelli Matematici, S.Motta e M.A.Ragusa, CULC (2011)