Maria Concetta Scuto
Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?
I am Maria Concetta Scuto a researcher and Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology for the Degrees Courses in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques and in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies. On 2015 I obtained my PhD in Neurobiology at the University of Catania. From 2017 to 2019 I was the holder of a research grant disciplinary scientific sector Clinical Biochemistry, University of Catania. From 2019 to 2022 as a post-doc, I carried out diagnostic assistance research at the Oncological Reference Center (CRO), National Cancer Institute-IRCCS, in Aviano. In 2020 I obtained a National scientific qualification for Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology. I am a member of the Editorial Board of several high peer-reviewed journals and Guest editor in International journals. The quality and the productiveresults of the work carried out are testified by the numerous scientific publications in prestigious international journals. To date my research activity is documented in over 42 publications, several books and participations in International and National Congresses.
Can you briefly introduce your research?
My research focuses on the role of the oxidative redox state, stress resilience response and nutritional antioxidants such as mushrooms, olive oil polyphenols, Crocus sativus L., blueberry polyphenols in chronic human diseases, particularly brain disorders and cancer.The Areas of my research interest include oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation in neurodegenerative disorders, metabolic diseases and cancer, proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, antiaging medicine, hormetic nutrition and stress resilience by Vitagenes in vitro and in vivo models (animals and humans).
What are the most challenging features of your work?
In the field of the “Hormetic nutrition” my main interest is to identify the most important innovative nutraceuticals in the human diet targeting antioxidant pathways and to develop novel preventive and therapeutic strategies that have a critical impact on treating human diseases and understanding how diet could cause or prevent them.
What are the most 'intriguous' and fulfilling aspects of your research?
It is very intriguing investigate biochemical-clinical parameters to identify the appropriate doseresponse to induce health effects in the context of nutraceuticals and test drug efficacy and toxicity in many chronic diseases.
THAT'S ME in a few words! What are your outside hobbies?
I have many passions. I like to create new natural formulations for personal care, being in contact with nature and immersing myself in it, surfing, the silence of the sailing boat, I love listening to music of all kinds, I love traveling a lot, good cuisine and red wine.